Monday, August 6, 2007

Today we lead our catholic life to the ostentation

Today we lead our catholic life to the ostentation
News : M.Francisk

On the last 3.7.07, the annual feast of St Thoma at Point Pedro parish was celebrated in a grand manner. The feast was begun with the Saint flag hoisting ceremony on 24th of June 2007 continued with the preparatory novenas until 3.7.07. The parishioners in small groups – Valayams, with the Rev fathers celebrated the preparatory novenas on various aspects. Rev Fr Sebastin O.M.I was the chief preacher and said that today we lead our catholic life to the ostentation.

The Eve of the feast service was conducted on 2.7.07 and Rev Fr Sebastin was the chief celebrant on the festive mass. He sang the vesper with a thought-provoking sermon at 3.30.p.m. as the curfew is on at 7.p.m.

He, at the outset of the homily addressed: do we maintain a good tie with God? Are we one with Him? Do we believe in Him at all times? These are the questions, which we have to ask ourselves. We are away from God and his rapport and the spiritual emptiness is among us. So that we feel anxiety, fear, frustration, emptiness in our lives. When we are with God, we need not feel anxiety, fear, frustration, emptiness in the lives. The worldly ways never direct us to the eternal life. Here the prophet Isaiah’s verse is the light to our lives: “Come, everyone who is thirsty – here is water! Come, you that have no money – buy corn and eat! Come! Buy wine and milk- it will cost you nothing! Why spend money on what does not satisfy? Why spend your wages and still be hungry? Listen to me and do what I say, and you will enjoy the best food of all. Listen now, my people, and come to me; come to me, and you will have life! ”

We have to try to find out the lives in Christ on the day today happenings. Our feast has to fulfill our spiritual emptiness. If we go to church and receive the sacraments and do not live in God or believe in the mightiness of God then what is the point of our catholic lives? Therefore, we all ask the grace to lead good catholic lives.

Feast mass

Brown and yellow banners, flags, adorned around the church were fluttering in the morning breeze. The festive high mass was celebrated 3.7.07 and Rev Fr Sebastin was the chief celebrant on the festive mass. He started his well-expressed homily with questions – although we celebrate so many feasts in our parish, is there a change in our lives? Unless we find repentance in our lives, there is no fruit in celebrating feasts in the churches. Do these feasts guide us to live in Christ or change our lifestyle or towards a happy life?.

We could see and noticed St Thomas to whom we celebrate the feast today at our parish. When Jesus called: “Come, and follow me” he agreed and dedicated himself to God. After he met the risen Christ, he opened himself to Christ and died for Him. Jesus meets us daily in various ways. Jesus comes searching of us with full of love, breaking His body and shedding His blood for us in the day today happenings at this time of war but we fail to accept him in our hearts. To accept these events we will open ourselves to Him. Are we ready to witness to Him and dedicate ourselves? Do we, who give first place to ostentation to the feast or live in God?
St Thomas who met Jesus and found out the fulfillment of life, witnessed to Him. We too who are experiencing sorrows, frustration and agony have to turn to Him. Every hardship will vanish and we will find the life.
Today we lead our catholic life to the ostentation but we have to give first place to God. “Come and follow me” we have to be faithful to that Word. We always open ourselves to God. We allow God to touch us instead of the worldly things. We will walk in the God’s way and He will be the way and light for us.

The parishioners and the devotees took the statue of St Thomas in the final procession around the church.
In conclusion, Rev Fr Sebastin sang the ending prayer. The parish priest- Rev Fr Pius Iruthayathas imparted the final blessings with the statue of St Thomas .

1 comment:

frank said...

we have to love God and others